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About Us

Hope for Families in Crisis, here and after abbreviated as H4FIC, is now an independent non-profit indigenous church-based charitable organization. The organization was started in 2014 to try and stop the tide of orphaning in particular, and the spread of HIV/AIDS in general, these two factors having been the most frequent situations faithfuls would turn up for counseling and prayer about. Soon the intended boundaries were found to be outstripped by demand, as the need for services was growing at a speed so terrific, in an area so wide than the resources, physical, financial and human, could handle. In light of this, and in expectation of the future, owing partly to unending spread of AIDS and partly to increasing abject poverty


H4FIC was upgraded to a non-governmental organization from a mere community based organization. So from 2016, H4FIC is a fully fledged independent organization with headquarters at Kangulumira, Kayunga, 8 kilometers from Jinja, a town in near eastern Uganda, about two hours away from Kampala the capital (and only city) of Uganda. H4FIC now works in the; Provision of formal education for orphans and vulnerable children, Empowering widows financially and psycho socially, Sensitizing communities about HIV/AIDS, Providing mobile palliative care for people living with AIDS (PLWA), Fighting poverty through pursuing income generating activities, And finally, spreading the word of a caring God.

Our Mission is to engage, encourage, equip vulnerable families by providing support for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs

Our vision is to ensure the well being of families in a crisis in order to help them attain a self sustainable status for better communities.

We do not discriminate in regard to religious or tribal background in its mission to serve orphans and vulnerable children, and our community members

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